12 Days to Peace and Patience

Are you feeling a little or a lot scattered this year as we clunk through the holiday season? This simple 12-Day Event will guide you through daily rituals that will find your feet some solid ground, even if only for 2 minutes at a time. Live mini-trainings, nourishing recipes, and a private Facebook Community will help to feed your body well. You absolutely need to revel in the miracle that is you. Set yourself up for a bit of peace and patience as this year comes to a close, and carry it with you into the new year.

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Are you feeling a little or a lot scattered this year as we clunk through the holiday season? Perhaps you need to find some solid ground on which to cultivate that Christmas joy you know is in there somewhere. This simple 12-Day Event will guide you through daily rituals that will bring you back to center, even if only for 2 minutes at a time. Live trainings are included for each of the 12 days, as well as a nourishing recipe that will help to feed your body well. Humans are truly connected, body mind and soul, and we absolutely need to revel in the miracle that is us. Give yourself some special time leading up to Christmas, then carry your newfound peace and patience into the next year and beyond.

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